Emotions on and around the stage

Every concert releases emotions. Recently, I asked concertgoers via Instagram to put them into words. I share two here: ‘I felt a tremendous peace and warmth descend upon me’ and ‘I felt connection with myself and with the miracle of life’.

Dansend om de zon

Het groots en woeste canyonlandschap lag er vredig bij. Moeder Aarde luisterde, en Vader Lucht keek naar Witte Staart Hert en Amerikaanse Antilope. Statig en sierlijk bewogen ze zich in het warme stralende zonlicht.

Het eerbetoon aan mijn moeder

The only kept box from my childhood was full of my drawings. A few years back, I was leafing through it for the first time. Suddenly …

Waarom ik 34 jaar geleden naar Spanje reisde

In the late 1980s, I travelled by train to Jerez de la Frontera in the deep south of Spain. They were not happy about that at the conservatoire where I studied. Indeed, one of their students cancelled an appearance on national television….